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Dive Boat: MV Moonlight

further Dive Boats in Ranong / West Coast / Thailand

Country: Thailand
Region: Ranong  / West Coast
Owner: Aladdin Dive Safari Co., Ltd.
1/43, Moo 2, T. Payam, A. Mueang
85000 Ranong
Waters: Andaman Sea
Type of boat: Motor vessel
Measures of boat: Length (in meters) = 25.90
Width (in meters) = 5.60
Draft (in meters) = 2.10
Year of construction: 2005
Cruising speed: 11 knots
Occupancy: Number of cabins = 5
Number of diver = 12
Number of crew = 4
Telephone number: +66 77 820472
Fax number: +66 77 813698
Cell phone number: +66 87 2786908
other telephone number: +66 77 813698
E-Mail: mantaspirit@gmail.com
Homepage: www.aladdindivesafari.com
Preview www.aladdindivesafari.com
2. Homepage: www.aladdindivecruise.de
Preview www.aladdindivesafari.com
Features: First aid kit = Yes
Oxygen = Yes
Life jacket = Yes
Fresh water conditioning = Yes
Compass = Yes
GPS = Yes
Radar = Yes
Sonar = Yes
Air conditioning = Yes
Ventilator = Yes
TV set = Yes
VCR = Yes
CD player = Yes
DVD player = Yes
Nitrox rental = No
Motor = 2x335PS
Fresh water = 12000l
Generator = 2x220V
Compressor = 2 x Coltri Sub
Training: PADI
Languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Thai
Last modification: 11.10.2007
Related dive centers: Dive Center: Aladdin
Dive Boat: MV Flying Carpet
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